The Church begins November by celebrating the two other dimensions of the Church. We are the Church Militant. The Church Triumphant is rejoicing in heaven and the Church Suffering is undergoing purification in
purgatory in preparation for the joy of heaven. I'd like to dedicate the next two bulletin blurbs to these great realities which we have to look forward to.
November 1st is All Saints day. Of course, the saints are all those who have died and are now sharing eternal happiness with God in heaven. We all hope to join them someday. But holiness/sanctity doesn't mean just shooting for heaven when we die. In addition to that final goal, holiness means living in a way that is accord with Christ's teachings. But there's even more to the picture of holiness, in fact an amazing dignity, blessing, and adventure which God has in store for the Christian faithful: to live inspired by God himself -- His grace,
life, love active in our hearts, literally and deeply united to Him.
The concluding prayer for Mass last Sunday mentioned this often-forgotten dimension of our Catholic journey, fed by the Eucharist: "Humbly we entreat your majesty, O Lord, that, as you feed us with the nourishment that
comes from the most holy Body and Blood of your Son, you may make us sharers of his divine nature. Who lives and reigns for ever and ever."
Becoming saints means becoming more and more God-like day by day, by
his very life working within us. May the saints be our models and
intercessors as we strive to live this great Christian adventure!