I truly enjoyed being back here in Worland after leaving in 2001. It brought back so many fond memories. Hopefully, I will be able to come back many more times!
ALL three readings today, speak of God’s love and mercy. In the gospel, we see the image of the loving Father patiently embracinghis lost son. What a great image of God’s mercy.
The Sacrament of Reconciliation is the sacrament of Christ’s mercy. In this sacrament, the priest stands in for Christ to bring us to His Father. When the priest lays his hands on the penitent with the words of absolution, that is when the Holy Spirit comes and frees us of our sins.
When the Blessed Mother appears on earth like at Medjugorje, she never points to herself. She always points to her son in the sacraments and to the scriptures. Pope Francis says of Medjugorje, “There is grace in Medjugorje. There is no denying it.”